Am I Too Old For Piano Lessons?

It’s something that gets said all the time:

“I’m too old for piano lessons.”

“I should have started when I was younger.”

“I started learning but then never picked it up again.”

We talk to a lot of people at Expressions Music Academy that think it’s too late to start piano lessons in the Metro Detroit and Washington DC metro areas.

But no matter how many times we hear it, the answer is always the same: it’s not! It’s never too late to start piano lessons, no matter who you are! So let’s break down some of those misperceptions.

It’s Not Too Late for Piano Lessons - Celebrate Your Small Wins

Learning to play piano, like learning to do anything else, takes practice and dedication to improve. So yes, obviously you’re not going to start out being Chopin, but that’s okay!

The experience of daily practice and improvement can and should be fun! You may not be going on a world tour after your first month, but the point of adult piano lessons isn’t to be the best in the world, it’s to improve yourself and learn to express yourself through music.

Learning to play a scale or a short piece of music - even learning to read music - is a major step forward that you can feel good about. Start there, and see how far you can go! You might surprise yourself!

Piano Lessons to Learn the Music You Love

The piano is a versatile instrument - you can play just about any song you want on it with enough practice. And believe it or not, many of your favorites may not even be that difficult to learn!

Everybody has different reasons for wanting to take piano lessons - that’s one of the reasons it’s never too late to start piano lessons. Our adult piano lessons cater to your goals - and for many those goals just include learning to play a few songs you love so you can sing along with your family.

That’s a great goal, and one we’re happy to help you get to! We can tailor our adult piano lessons to get you on the track to playing the music you love as quickly as possible. But of course, that’s not the only reason to take adult piano lessons - there are lots of things you can learn for!

What You Can Do After Taking Adult Piano Lessons

Many people think it’s too late to start piano lessons because their opportunities to play or use that skill have all but disappeared. But nothing could be further from the truth!

If you have a piano or keyboard in your home, obviously you can play whenever you want at home. 

But what if you want to perform for an audience? Expressions Music Academy holds recitals and helps connect you with piano performance opportunities and competitions but there’s more you can do!

Community ensembles are always looking for volunteer players if you’re interested in playing with a group. You can play accompaniment parts for your children or grandchildren if they’re learning wind or string instruments, or play for your local church. There are lots of opportunities to perform, even at amateur skill levels!

How big or small your piano journey goes is up to you, but the first step you can take is here. No matter how old you are, right now is the youngest you’re ever going to be. So if you’re interested in taking adult piano lessons, whether to start a new hobby or find a new form of expression, contact Expressions Music Academy today!